Editing Queue

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, master’s theses will not be edited in spring and summer 2020. Master’s theses are still subject to the final format check.

The editing of any doctoral dissertations not already submitted will likely be undertaken by a new, incoming editor.

Except as noted below, the work of degree candidates is edited on a first come, first serve basis.

Current Queue

Number Words Degree Comments
2020-S02 148,000 PhD In Progress
2020-S03 96,500 PhD Pending
2019-S33 150,000 PhD Pending

NOTE: If the anticipated completion date of a doctoral dissertation overlaps the peak season when the editing of master's theses is prioritized, it will only be edited if and when there are no master's theses in the queue. Actual completion dates for such dissertations may be mid- to late summer.

General Prioritization of Editing

The rules governing the prioritization of editing for degree candidates are a decision of the faculty body, and the editor has no discretion about the order or timing of editing.

  • There is no guarantee that editing will be completed in time for the graduation deadline of a particular term. This is contingent on the backlog of work in the editing queue.
  • Extenuating circumstances must be addressed to the Director of the Institute. Changes to the order of editing work can only made by a decision of the faculty as a whole or by the mutual agreement of all academic advisors affected.
  • If a degree candidate does not provide advanced notification of their intent to submit at the beginning of the semester and if there is a backlog of editing work, the faculty body may use their discretion to assign the editing of that candidate's work a lower priority.

Peak Season Priority

The period from April through June is set aside for master’s theses, during which the order of the queue is determined as follows:

  • Master’s theses submitted by the Spring deadline take priority over doctoral dissertations and will be edited in the order received.
  • Master’s theses submitted late are NOT prioritized and will be edited in the order received after any doctoral dissertations already in the queue. Completion before the end of the term is not guaranteed.
  • Doctoral candidates are discouraged from submitting dissertations during or immediately before this period. Dissertations submitted at this time will be edited only after the editing of master’s theses is complete.

When Can I Schedule My Defense?

It is the policy of the Institute that doctoral candidates should not make specific plans regarding the scheduling of their defense until the editing of their manuscript has been completed.

To estimate the timing of a defense, divide the number of words in the manuscript by 6 thousand to arrive at the approximate number of working days (i.e. weekdays) the editing may take. A couple weeks may be needed to make revisions before distributing the text. Committee members will need one week ― ten (10) days for doctoral dissertations ― to review the work. Generally this means a defense date can be no earlier than three (3) to four (4) weeks after the editing is completed.

Further Information

If you have any questions not addressed by the FAQ, you may contact the editor.

Edited Work: Autumn 2015–Present

Number Words Comments
2020-S01 92,000 Editing completed 2020.03.23
2019-S32 105,000 Final formatting approved 2019.04.06
2019-S35 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.12.11
2019-S34 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.11.31
2019-S31 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.11.22
2019-S30 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.11.21
2019-S29 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.09.09
2019-S28 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.09.03
2019-S27 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.09.03
2019-S26 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.08.24
2019-S25 86,000 Final formatting approved 2019.12.18
2018-F12 7,500 Completed 2019.07.26
2019-S24 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.07.24
2019-S23 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.08.01
2019-S22 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.06.27
2019-S21 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.06.18
2019-S20 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.06.14
2019-S19 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.06.14
2019-S18 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.06.17
2019-S17 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.06.14
2019-S16 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.06.13
2019-S15 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.06.10
2019-S14 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.06.17
2019-S13 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.06.18
2019-S12 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.08.01
2019-S11 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.05.27
2019-S10 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.06.17
2019-S09 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.05.27
2019-S08 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.05.24
2019-S07 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.05.22
2019-S06 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.06.14
2019-S05 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.06.17
2019-S04 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.05.17
2019-S03 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.05.16
2019-S02 n/a Final formatting approved 2019.06.17
2019-S01 63,000 Final formatting approved 2020.01.08
2018-S16 126,000 Final formatting approved 2019.07.26
2018-S15 80,000 Final formatting approved 2019.05.01
2018-S14 84,000 Final formatting approved 2019.04.15
2018-S13 108,000 Final formatting approved 2019.03.11
2018-S12 97,000 Final formatting approved 2019.05.01
2018-F11 5,000 Completed 2018.10.15
2018-F10 3,000 Completed 2018.10.12
2018-F09 12,000 Completed 2018.10.11
2018-S11 120,000 Final formatting approved 2019.02.18
2018-S10 45,000 Final formatting approved 2018.10.17
2018-S09 72,000 Final formatting approved 2019.01.24
2018-S08 121,000 Final formatting approved 2018.12.04
2018-S07 27,500 Final formatting approved 2019.06.19
2018-S06 36,000 Final formatting approved 2019.06.17
2018-S05 48,000 Final formatting approved 2018.06.21
2018-S04 88,000 Final formatting approved 2018.06.19
2018-S03 36,500 Final formatting approved 2018.05.16
2018-S02 37,500 Final formatting approved 2018.05.16
2018-S01 43,000 Final formatting approved 2018.09.11
2017-S17 145,000 Final formatting approved 2018.05.30
2017-S16 127,000 Final formatting approved 2018.05.18
2017-S15 91,500 Final formatting approved 2018.07.09
2017-S14 80,000 Final formatting approved 2018.06.22
2017-S13 57,500 Final formatting approved 2018.03.19
2017-S12 80,000 Final formatting approved 2018.01.10
2017-S11 80,000 Final formatting approved 2017.12.13
2017-S10 93,000 Final formatting approved 2017.11.02
2017-S09 100,000 Final formatting approved 2018.01.25
2017-F02 2,500 Completed 2017.07.12
2017-F01 11,000 Completed 2017.07.11
2017-S08 140,000 Final formatting approved 2017.08.22
2017-S07 40,000 Final formatting approved 2017.06.12
2017-S06 54,000 Final formatting approved 2017.06.05
2017-S05 42,500 Final formatting approved 2017.05.24
2017-S04 51,000 Final formatting approved 2017.06.12
2017-S03 40,500 Final formatting approved 2017.06.12
2017-S02 132,000 Final formatting approved 2017.06.12
2017-S01 140,000 Final formatting approved 2017.06.02
2016-F03 8,000 Completed 2016.11.01
2016-S15 165,000 Final formatting approved 2017.06.12
2016-S14 78,000 Final formatting approved 2017.02.03
2016-S13 108,000 Final formatting approved 2017.11.13
2016-F02 330 Completed 2016.05.27
2016-S12 270,000 Final formatting approved 2016.11.14
2016-S11 55,000 Final formatting approved 2016.06.15
2016-S10 18,000 Withdrawn
2016-S09 70,000 Final formatting approved 2016.06.13
2016-S08 40,500 Final formatting approved 2016.06.07
2016-S07 29,000 Final formatting approved 2016.06.08
2016-S06 26,500 Final formatting approved 2016.06.10
2016-S05 33,500 Final formatting approved 2016.06.13
2016-S04 153,500 Final formatting approved 2016.10.15
2016-S03 109,000 Final formatting approved 2016.07.20
2016-S02 172,500 Final formatting approved 2016.08.24
2016-S01 143,500 Final formatting approved 2016.06.09
2016-F01 7,415 Completed 2016.02.16
2015-S01 150,000 Final formatting approved 2015.12.21
2015-F02 4,500 Completed 2015.12.07
2015-F01 7,500 Completed 2015.10.20